Thursday 10 March 2011

phew - it's finished!

It’s finished!  My first complete crocheted garment!  Considering K and I only went on our Beginner’s Crochet Course last May, I’m inordinately happy with this.  Yes, it’s a wee bit short and the weather has decided to improve enough this week that I’d boil if I wore it right now, but it’s there and it’s finished! 

The pattern is by the super-talented Robyn Chachula and I first saw it when I was browsing on Ravelry.  It was from an old issue of the fab US magazine Crochet Today, and I was lucky enough to track down a copy through the powers of the interweb!  I have another pattern of hers for a waistcoat that's waiting to go (remember my 'sprout' coloured yarn?), but I'm going to hook up some of the yarn from my last post first.

 I’ve had a little bit of a mishap with one of my skeins of yarn from Unravel… in my eagerness to get going on a shawl pattern I’d bought from Amanda Perkins, I thought I’d try out a couple of motifs without first winding my skein into a ball.  Er, bad move!  For the past four evenings Mr B has been helping me to try and untangle it in front of the TV.  We got there last night just in time for Grey's Anatomy, but I can at least console myself that it was worth the effort for the cutest and softest little flowers that I made before “the great tangle” happened:

Now my untangling is done I can actually get on with hooking up the rest of the shawl… well, when we've wound the other skein, I can!

Eugh, time to get ready for work - I prefer to post at the weekend, but I have some rather exciting news I want to share with you later, so thought I'd get this out there now.
Have a great day!
R x

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